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Dance the Afternoon Away

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Hornblower Cruises South - Endless Dreams

2431 W Pacific Coast Highway

Newport Beach, CA

Event Details:

  • December 14, 2019, Saturday

  • We loved it last year - so let's do it again! Board the Endless Dreams yacht and dance the afternoon away

  • A DJ will be playing our dance favorites! 

  • Menu will be an Italian Buffet (pasta dishes, etc)

  • Parking: it is heavily advised, due to limited beach parking and Dec events, that circles coordinate and take a party bus or in the least carpool. If you want to park, we must coordinate pre-paid passes and distribute accordingly


  • Event Time: 11:15am-3pm

  • 11:30am: is time to board the boat.  Please arrive NLT than 11:15am this as our event begins promptly at don't miss the boat as they say. 

  • 11:15am-12pm: pre-board photo op

  • 12:30pm: buffet opens

  • 12-3pm: Lunch and Dance

  • 3pm: Return to dock and disembark 

Endless Dreams

  • Launched in 2002, this 140ft yacht will be our venue as we cruise the Newport Harbor

  • Lunch will be on one floor, dancing on another with the roof deck open as well

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