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Expedition Leaders

Expedition Navigator - James, Rowan and Ivy Graham

  • AKA Expedition leader

  • Leads Monthly Council Meetings

  • Attends Quarterly Federation Meeting

  • Plans Sat Campfires

  • Campfire Opening and Closing Message

  • Plans Calendar for Season


Expedition Compass Bearer - John, Ella and Joy Brierley & Aaron, Chandler, Lucy and MacLane Watts

  • AKA Medicine Man

  • Plans Sunday Round Up

  • Round Up Opening and Closing Message

  • Leads Expedition Campaign Fundraising Effort

Patch Master - Ryan and Bella Block

  • Patch Creation and Procurement

  • Distributes Patches At Round Up

  • Procures and Distributes Awards

Grill Master - Ronen, Dylan and Dakota Howard and Drew and Olive Coleman. 

  • Leads midnight meat coordination and execution

Music Man - open

  • Sings a song (or a few) during Campfire

Candy Man - Rob and Charlotte Erzen

  • Energetic and in costume, doles out the treats!

WizardJason, Callie and Julia Dreibelbis

  • Organizes the Compass Pin Program across the expedition

  • Works with Circle Wizards to coordinate circle level pin activities 

Campfire DirJames, Rowan and Ivy Graham & Aaron, Chandler, Lucy and MacLane Watts

  • Runs The A/V Elements During Weekend Events

  • Controls Short Video Clips and Sound Effects

Fire StarterKevin, Charlotte and Maddie Roosevelt

  • Owns the Creative Lighting Of The Saturday Campfire

Historian - Jeff and Natalie Stabe

  • Leads photo documentation of season and creates season ending slideshow 

Scout - Craig and Sydney Nesbitt

  • Leads expedition-wide recruiting efforts

Outfitter - Chris, Dakota, Andi and Waylin Carey & Joel and Julienne Pieve

  • In charge of trailer transportation & storage

Expedition Webmaster - Scott and Penelope Huguenin (Sun Circle) and Chris, Dakota, Andi and Waylin Carey (DOT Circle)

Expedition Elders​​

  • Ryan and Bela Block (Sun Circle)

  • Scott and Penelope Huguenin (Sun Circle)

  • Aaron, Lucy, Maclane and Chandler Watts (DOT)

  • Kevin, Brianna and Rory McKelvie (Avalon Circle)

  • John, Ella and Joy Brierley (Ohana Circle)

  • Chris, Dakota, Andi and Waylin Carey (DOT Circle)


  • Ideally we'll have 1 dad per circle

  • These guys will help Campfire Dir, Circle Nav and Circle Compass Bearer get everything set up for basecamp and campfires (many hands make light work)

Circle Leaders


Circle Navigator - Jeff and Natalie Stabe

Compass Bearer - TBD


Circle Navigator - Mason, Addison and Ava Carpenter

Compass Bearers -open


Circle Navigator - Ronen, Dakota and Dylan Howard

Compass Bearer - Drew and Olive Coleman


Circle Navigator - Jason, Julia and Callie Dreibelbis

Compass Bearer - Jordan and Eleanor Wiens

Circle Medics: 

Avalon - Mike, Corinne and Zoe Curtis

DOT - Ryan and Sklya Javanbakht

Ohana - Jay, Chloe and Dana Choe

Sun - Jeremiah, Rosie and Nome Ray

Circle Recyclers:

Avalon - Scot and Buffy Hicks

DOT - Steve and Laine Daxer

Ohana - Devin and Mirae Jindrich

Sun - Cole, Leonora, Petra and Rosalie DeVitis

The 5_edited.png

The 5: these are the guys that "carry your water;" they do the heavy lifting, the event planning, the coordination so that your and your daughter's enjoyment and memory making are maximized.  

  • Aaron Watts

  • John Brierley

  • Will Knudson

  • Ryan Block

  • Scott Huguenin

  • Raji Manasseh

  • Michael Mudd

  • Chris Carey 

  • Craig Nesbitt 

  • Jeff Staube

  • Ronen Howard

  • New members are always welcomed...

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